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Having a Ball - What do we stand for?

new post Jul 24, 2024

As I relaunch Having a Ball, one of my all time favourite quotes comes to mind. I was all set to start creating content and building programs when I returned from an overseas holiday, then in an instant it all changed. An unfortunate serious knee injury in the last minute on my A-Grade game would see me at home recovering, whilst my wife and son ventured overseas to celebrate a close friends wedding.

Now...I WAS wishing for easier, less problems and less challenges, however this wishing wasn't going to change my reality. So instead, I dedicated the next three weeks to becoming better, building my skillset and growing my wisdom in all areas Having a Ball. I completed a month long marketing course in 2 weeks, I learnt how to build websites, landing pages, email automation and how to link domain names. I upgraded my basketball skills and game play knowledge through dozens of hours of online courses. This action I took didn't remove any of the problems or challenges I faced, however by asking myself "What can I do to make the most of this situation?", I was able to grow and improve.

This is what Having a Ball is all about...

How do we get better?

How do we build skills?

How do we develop wisdom?

...all whilst 'Having a Ball'

I look forward to serving you, a player, a parent, a coach or an association, so we can all grow through this great game of basketball.

"Don't wish it was easier,

wish you were better

Don't wish for less problems

wish for more skills

Don't wish for less challenges,

wish for more wisdom"

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